I made more progress re-texture mapping the Millennium Falcon interior. Here are before-and-after pictures:
Closer, but it still needs lots of work.
At first, I was leaning towards using a modified version of the Millennium Falcon interior for the Carinda shuttle. However, after checking possible camera angles, I discovered that I can't use that model without it being somewhat obvious that we used the Millennium Falcon interior.
That discovery also ruled out my second choice, which was to kitbash the cockpit from the Imperial Shuttle onto the Millennium Falcon interior. That way, we'd have the grittier, more realistic cargo hold and also the cool-looking cockpit with the lights.
So... I ended up keeping the Imperial Shuttle interior as our primary model BUT I'm kitbashing a bunch of stuff from the Millennium Falcon to make our model look more realistic.
Here's a before-and-after example showing what I'm talking about:
In the older version (1st picture, above), there were too many lights. It's even more obvious as video because they're blinking, there are animated displays, etc. It looked like a Christmas tree on steroids. :(
In the newer version (2nd picture, above), you can see that I replaced a bunch of lights with mechanical doodads (hard to see in this compressed, dark image, but they look cool -- trust me! ;D ). I also added hoses and other doodads to the walls.
Here's another before-and-after comparison:
In the newer version, you can see that I added 3 barrels (bottom-L, and 2 in the middle which you can barely see through the light beam from R4's holoprojection). I also added a grate to the flooring to give it a grittier, more industrial look.
I'm still in the middle of improving the Carinda shuttle model, so these "after" pictures only show what the model looks like now. I'm going to keep tweaking it until it looks super duper cool. :D
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