The 1st picture shows the original model. As mentioned previously, there were too many lights and it also looked too fake -- like a CG model rather than a real set.
The 2nd picture shows the improved model. I replaced a bunch of the lights with random cool-looking gizmos that I kitbashed from the Millennium Falcon interior. I also threw a bunch of hoses and piping on the walls, and added cushions around the cockpit doorway (as seen in the Millennium Falcon). It looks much more realistic to me -- more organic and "lived-in," rather than geometric and sterile.
The 3rd picture shows the improved model, but over-lit so that you can see everything in more detail.
Even though I added more light (compare the 1st and 2nd pictures), I still think the model is too dark. I'll probably make it a little brighter, though not as bright as the 3rd picture.
Here's another before-and-after comparison, from Scene M408:
Again, doesn't the 2nd picture look more organic and "lived-in?" This is more consistent with the "used universe" look that George Lucas wanted for his "Star Wars" movies.
I also threw in another metal drum (bottom-middle of the 2nd picture) to give the cargo hold a more "lived-in" look:
Not a big change, but I think it adds a little realism to the model.
This isn't the final version of the Carinda shuttle interior, but that's all the changes I plan on making for now. There will almost certainly be more improvements in the future, but for now I'm going to move on to other models and clean those up...
Also, I'm moving next week, so I probably won't be able to work on the movie for a week or two. This will probably be the last blog post for a few weeks. Sorry. :(