Looks much more realistic, right? Just so you don't have to scroll down and find a picture of the Alderaan Royal Palace room, here it is so that you can see how they match-up for consistency:
After I finished the Alderaan Royal Palace, I moved onto the Carinda Homestead. Here are a few before-and-after pictures:
In addition to improving the texture maps, I deleted the speederbike (mostly to decrease the size of our digital model, which was getting unmanageably huge). I also made the lighting less pink. Here's a reference shot from "Attack of the Clones" that I used, mostly to see how the ground looks:
Here's another before-and-after comparison of the Carinda Homestead:
I got rid of those fake-looking round things and replaced them with a more realistic-looking exhaust vent.
I also changed the texture mapping to more accurately match this reference photo from "Attack of the Clones:"
I never realized how rough the stucco is on exterior walls, but after seeing this reference photo, I changed our texture maps.
Finally, here's the last before-and-after comparison of the re-texture-mapped Carinda Homestead:
I'm done with the Carinda homestead... for now. I'll probably refine them in the future, but they're good enough for now. In the meantime, I'm going to keep improving the texture-maps on our other digital models. I'm not sure which one I'm going to work on next, so I guess we'll all just have to wait and see...
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