Not bad, right?
Since we had a COMPLETE Jedi costume, we could finally shoot live footage below Brad's waist (before, we were limited to cockpit shots).
Here are a ton of before-and-after pictures using last week's live footage:
Here's Brad using The Force to distract 2 Clone Troopers guarding the Jedi Temple:
Not only have we replaced Brad's "Stormtrooper size reference" in the original animatic with live footage, but we've also improved the Jedi Temple model.
Although it wasn't in the original script, we shot a close-up of Brad using The Force to distract the Clone Troopers so that it would be more obvious to the audience what was happening. Otherwise, Brad's a tiny little figure in the background and it was easy to miss. So here's our new, unscripted close-up of Brad using The Force:
After distracting the Clone Troopers, Brad sneaks past them into the Jedi Temple:
I had to change the camera angle to match our live footage.
We may have to reshoot this scene anyway, because our green screen was too narrow to get enough footage of Brad running right-to-left. He could only take 2-3 steps before going off the green screen. We tried shooting this scene in parts, intending to hide the splice when Brad disappears behind each Clone Trooper, but it didn't work very well because his feet and speed were inconsistent between takes. Oh well, we'll figure something out...
Here's footage of Brad sneaking down the corridor towards the Jedi Databank. This footage appears on a security monitor in the background when an Imperial Officer is talking to a Clone Trooper:
I didn't have a screen shot of the original "security camera footage" (i.e. with the on-screen text, horizontal lines, and other effects), so I included the original animatic before adding the "security camera" effects.
The "after" shot shows the new-and-improved shot, including the "security camera" effects and a digital reflection in the floor.
Here's more security camera footage, this time inside the Jedi Databank:
Since we don't have a crane, and since I now live in a one-story house, we couldn't get the correct downward camera angle shown in the original animatic. That's why the camera angle changed in the new-and-improved shot.
Here's Brad removing the holodisc from the Jedi Databank:
After seeing this scene in the new animatic, I realized we need to shoot a close-up of Brad removing the holodisc from the databank. It's just too easy to miss in this shot, and it's such an important plot element that we need to emphasize it.
Here's Brad planting a Merr-Sonn command-detonated bomb in the Jedi Databank:
Here's Brad planting a second Merr-Sonn bomb, interrupted by the arrival of 2 Clone Troopers:
We had to shoot Brad from the waist up because he had to stick the Merr-Sonn bomb prop onto something so that it would stay in-place. Unfortunately, the only thing we had that he could stick the bomb prop onto was about 3 feet tall:
So... we had to cheat the shot by cropping it below his waist and digitally-moving him down so that it looks like he's standing up in the final shot (above).
Anywho, the 2 Clone Troopers shoot at Brad, but he deflects the blaster bolts back at them with his lightsaber:
Everyone used to make fun of the old animatic because it wasn't even animated. It was just the Stormtrooper size reference with his lightsaber in 2 different positions. I don't see what the big deal was... the shots pretty much look the same to me! ;D
BTW (Brad), I only did quick-and-dirty rotoscoping in this shot, so you'll have to do real rotoscoping if you want your lightsaber blade to look right.
After killing the 2 Clone Troopers, Brad leaves the Jedi Databank:
After checking the corridor to make sure it's clear, Brad exits:
(No, that is NOT final texture mapping on the "after" picture. Don't worry, I'll improve it before we have final footage.)
Also, we shot 4-5 versions of Brad's exit from different angles because the flow was choppy and confusing in the original animatic. After having lots of options to experiment with, this camera angle worked best.
Here's Scene C113c (after Brad exits his first flashback, interrupted by the arrival of 2 Clone Troopers):
Again, WAY temporary texture maps in the "after" picture. I haven't had time to re-texture map that model yet. Ditto on the lighting.
Here are the 2 Clone Troopers confronting Brad:
Brad uses The Force to pull the Clone Troopers towards him:
I moved the camera to show inside the Jedi Training Veranda (and the dead Younglings). It was a more interesting shot, rather than just seeing a wall behind Brad.
Here's Brad slashing through both Clone Troopers with his lightsaber as they fly through the air towards him:
Is it just me, or does Brad have anger management issues he needs to work on? :D
Here's Brad encountering a roadblock during his escape from the Jedi Temple. He's asking R7 (via comlink) to make sure there are no life forms behind that blast door on the left:
You may notice that the model in our "after" picture is totally crappy. I forgot that I hadn't yet cleaned it up, so that's yet another item on my infinitely long "To Do" list for this movie. :(
Here's a close-up of Brad after receiving R7's confirmation that there are no life forms behind the blast door:
Again, the lighting and texture mapping is totally messed up in our "after" picture. Sorry about that...
Here's Brad right after the blast door opens:
Nothing against Brad's acting -- he's never claimed to be an actor -- but I wish he could evoke the same emotional response that our Stormtrooper size reference has in our original animatic. ;D
Here's what was behind the blast door, as Brad runs off-camera to the left:
R7 was correct, there were NO life forms behind that blast door! :)
BTW, I am NOT looking forward to animating those battle droids! Maybe we'll let Brad do it...
Here's Brad running out of the Jedi Temple:
We'll have to re-shoot this scene because Brad could only run a few steps before going off our green screen. However, please note that I still added a digital shadow, even though this isn't a "keeper" shot! :)
As you can see, I just did quick-and-dirty chroma keying and color-correction on these shots, so they're still animatic quality. I didn't want to waste a bunch of time in post-production in case we end up re-shooting.
Nevertheless, our new-and-improved master animatic looks WAY better than the previous version. Almost the entire first half of the movie now has live footage (well, for Brad at least -- the Clone Troopers are still temporary CG stand-ins). Progress is good.